Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Things that make you say "Awww Crap!!!"


Lynda said...

Still funny when it happens to someone else! :)

kimber said...

I kept giving little gasps of surprise as I scrolled down your post! Thanks for the laughs!

BostonPobble said...

Awww Crap!!! is right. oh dear... I didn't *want* to giggle, really, I didn't.

Tai said...

Hey Dagoth!
I keep wanting to visit, but for some reason almost every time I try to connect it kicks me out.
As for my theft, I'm sure it'll get straightened out.
But it sure is frustrating!

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Lynda - If it actually did in most of these shots...

Kimber - Always glad to bring a smile...

Pobble - Giggle on my dear...

Tai - Sorry to hear about both your problems, sounds like it could be virus related (both of them)...