Do You Have The Time?
It seems like lately 24 hours in a day just isn't enough time to get everything done that I want to accomplish. If Dubya really wanted to help instead of starting daylight savings time early, he should institute the 26-hour day. Between shoveling snow, keeping my pellets stove clean (it's been burning on high a lot lately) and overtime at work, time has been at a premium.
Of course any more daylight is always helpful and I do like it when it starts staying lighter later, though maybe that's just because it's spring springing. Last week I took some pictures of my Daffodils just popping their little heads out of the ground. Unfortunately that was just
before it dropped down into the teens again and they got buried under more of that evil white stuff. The last couple of days have dawned warmer and more spring-like so hopefully this is a portent of better things to come, I sure am tired of shoveling. The forecasts are saying it just might be so, but of course that's what they said about last week. I've learned not to get my hopes up too soon and certainly not to speak it out loud, as I might offend "the Great God of the Lake" and bring "the bad stuff" crashing back down upon us. Never EVER Get the short sleeves out or put up the storm windows too early, as this is a temptation that fate just cannot resist. I'm hoping that hinting about it in a blog isn't going to cast us back into the frozen depths of hell. We'll just have to wait and see if the God is offended by my words and more punishment required.
On the brighter side I made Hope's Chicken Enchilada recipe, which she posted on her blog, and I have to admit that they are the best Enchiladas I've ever tried. They are a lot of work though, it took about three hours to put them together, but are definitely worth every minute of
the effort (on a weekend). I tend to get "stuck in a rut" when it comes to my cooking, so it is always a pleasure when some new wonderful recipe is discovered. I really do believe that the food we eat can have a huge effect on how we feel about any given moment in our lives. For example, I've gone to Mexico twice and I still feel that the second trip far surpassed the first because the food at the second hotel was far superior to the first. The chefs and restaurants at the hotel on the second trip had a much wider variety with no two days offering the same menu. Entertainment and accommodations may have been better at the first hotel but in my book they don't have as much effect on your attitude as the food you are consuming. Either way, neither hotel had Enchiladas near as great as Hope's.
I am happy to announce that I
have finally succeeded in defeating "Drakan: Order of the Flame"...woooo hooooo... I have played many different video games in my life but this may be the first one that I have actually taken all the way to the end. It's always a sore point if I have something started and left unfinished, but with video games that seems to be the norm for me, to play them for awhile and then put them aside. I know it's only a video game and not really any kind of an accomplishment at all, but they always seem to be, like a book left unfinished, or any project left uncompleted, that they add to the overall feeling of a lack of accomplishment in your life when they are not finished. Any project left uncompleted is somehow worse than one that is either not started, or one that is finished but not to your satisfaction. The only problem with this game is that it really isn't finished. The gam
e ends with the evil "Navaros" escaping into another realm with "Delon's" body ("Rynn's" brother whom he has possessed and she is trying to rescue) and "Rynn" and her dragon "Arohk" diving in after them. So I guess now I have to go out and try to find the sequel, "Drakan: The Ancients' Gate", in order to find out if "Delon" is ever rescued. The best part of the game may not be getting to fly a dragon, but all of the wonderful weapons you acquire in different parts of the game. In the first picture "Rynn" holds aloft the "Runeblade" which is the strongest weapon you can attain, though I was partial to the "Mourn Bringer" sword, it didn't score as many hit points, but it was very cool to look at, as it had blood constantly "flowing" off of it, it was indestructable (sometimes after using
a blade a while they would break) and it made a wonderful "death moan" every time you swung it. Actually for most of the game I did very well with a massive "Mithril War Hammer" (I was surprised to see that particular metal in the game, taken from LOTR) and of course the various bow's with explosive, magic, and poison tipped arrows. Definitely a game for someone who likes swords and dragons, though playing this could have attributed to my need for a few more hours in the day as well...
PS: Blogger actually coded this right from compose mode, has something changed for the better?
Actually, it's been quite awhile since I felt that I had enough time to do everything. Is it just me or has time been accelerated to fast forward?!
Your enchiladas look divine. I have to check out the recipe on Hope's site.
Happy Sunday,
Those enchiladas *do* look amazing, I've bookmarked the recipe.
Big day today, at my house: Doors and windows open. Nothing like the first day of fresh air in your house to blow the cobwebs out of winter doldrums!
Wasn't 'Stormbringer' the sword the Elric of Melnibone had in the books by Michael Moorcock? And the other sword was 'Mournblade'?
'Course, if you haven't read the books, then that would make no sense!
I'm coming over for enchiladas next time!
I'll be there with Tai for dinner! ;)
Those enchiladas look fabulous... room at the table for one more?
Thanks Guys
Enid - You are not alone, someone is deffinitely messing with the time around here...
G Girl - We had one day like that and then it turned back to winter and my daffodils got crushed under a foot of snow...
Tai - It's hard to find anything that is truly original these days, hence the Mithril... I'll set a place for you at the table...
Pobble - and a place for you as well...
Kimber - Always room for one more...
Congrats on defeating Drakan, Dagoth! I too play sword/sorcery video games though I'm more of a never-ending World of Warcraft type of girl myself. :)
As for meals when one travels, I still count certain meals as highlights of many trips. I'm remembering a certain feast in a gigantic tent in Morocco, and a splendid meal in Nice, France at the Hotel Negresco among them.
Oh yes, and I wish you warm Spring weather also. :)
You okay out there, Dagoth?
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