Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Weed

Earlier this year when I was doing major battle with the weeds in my flowerbeds, I found this little "weed" that sort of looked different than all the others.

Now I don't have very many flowers in the flowerbeds surrounding my house, and so the weeds had pretty much taken over. I did have some baby trees that had started to grow, many of which I transplanted out into the yard this year, but not very many flowers in the beds. No one lived in my house last year so the weeds had seriously overwhelmed the entire flowerbed, and I've spent most of the summer trying to reclaim this area around my house from the weeds that had taken it over.

I do have a couple rose bushes, some daffodils and one very sad rhododendron that refuses to give up, though it's been right on the edge for several years, but finally seems to be doing a little better this year.

While I was weeding early in the spring
I came across a little "weed" that didn't quite look like the rest, it certainly wasn't a grass or one of the many dandelions that predominately made up my flowerbeds. This little guy, who was about 6 inches tall, was different than anything I had found there. Thinking it may be some sort of tree I decided to spare it, just to see what it would grow into.

Every time I weeded I would see this little "weed" and would think to myself that "I really should pull it and toss it, after all it's ju
st another weed". Something kept me from pulling it though, I don't know what it was, maybe just curiosity to see what it was. It grew straight and tall, to the point now where it's about 5 feet tall, but I still had no idea what it was (and I still don't). It wasn't ugly or anything and I still had hopes that it may be some sort of tree that I could transplant into my yard, but it's leaves didn't belong to any tree I recognized, and I'm pretty good with knowing trees.

About a week ago my little "weed", which is now a fully-grown bush, flowered for the first time and it made me glad that I chose
to let it live. It blossomed with some very beautiful flowers, and looks very nice growing right where it is in the corner of my flowerbed. Now maybe one of our resident blogger gardeners might recognize what this "weed" is, but I still have no clue as to it's identity or where it came from. Though I do know that it really doesn't deserve to be called "a weed" anymore, since It's definitely shrub sized now. Weeds are defined as some plant that grows where it isn't supposed to, and this one may have started it's life as a weed, but now it's turned into a welcome addition.

It's just funny how if you give something in your life a chance to flower, to show you it's true worth. You might just find that you really had something quite spectacular all along, and you thought it was nothing more than a "weed".


Tenacious T said...

Wow - it's beautiful. And great insight too, Dagoth. I like to think I am like this weed - and one day will turn into a beautiful flower to be cherished. :)

The Snarkess said...

Me too - I related to this guy as well!!

Because sometimes I go, and grow, where I'm not supposed to :) But it only makes me stronger along the way.

Thanks for sharing it!!

Belizegial said...

That's a beautiful weed! :)
Anything that's tolerated and cherished even, eventually blossoms. Pertains to both plants and people. LOL

AshleySlice said...

I know this is an older article, and you probably don't even have this little 'weed' any more however, I came across it looking for "rose references" for a painting and had to tell you. We had tons of these flowers growing where I lived as a child. They multiply rapidly but are quite beautiful. We called them "Rose of Sharon" - It's the national flower of Korea. They come in several colors to a light purple, pink, white, etc.
You might have already known this, but I merely wanted to tell you just in case.