Saturday, May 26, 2007

My First Time (blush)...

So I've been tagged by the dearest Pobble, and yes that is the very first time I've ever been tagged so I guess that means I've finally lost my meme virginity, "Pobble, was it good for you?"

The rules of the tagging are as follows:

* Post a similar post like this one and add a link back to the person who tagged you.

* List 5 reasons why you blog about the things you blog on your blog.

* Choose your 5 tag ‘victims’ and tag them nicely.

(Hey pobble, just what qualifies as tagging nicely?)

* Write a comment on their blog letting them know that you tagged them.

Ok, this seems simple enough on the outside, as the question of "why one blogs" comes up occasionally, but I've always thought that "I really don't know why I blog". Since I have been tagged I must try to come up with at least some sufficient answers, so here goes...

1.) First and foremost "I like meeting new people and making new friends". Many bloggers feel they must write about "exciting things" in order to keep their bloggers entertained, but I've always just enjoyed hearing about the everyday "goings on" in people's lives. I become attached to the bloggers that I read daily and become saddened when a blogger leaves, feeling like I've lost a friend. It's all about the human contact...

2.) "I love to write". My biggest problem with blogging has always been trying to keep my posts down to a manageable size (and you thought it was my grammar). I spend a lot of time, when making a post, just trying to cut it down to something reasonable. If I ever posted my first draft it would likely fill up half of my blog page...Yes, I tend to ramble on a bit...

3.) I like "being able to speak my mind without interruption". Just let me say what I have to say, and then make your comments. I find quite a few rude people these days who will try to "speak over you" right when you are in the middle of a sentence, which I find quite annoying. I also have a dislike for "conversation hogs" that won't let you get a word in edgewise. Blogging, by it's nature, promotes polite conversation (Ok, down off of my high horse)...

4.) There is something very special about putting your thoughts up on the web and knowing that someone from half way around the world may be reading them at this very moment. I like hearing what people think "straight from them", not from the media telling me how people think on varying subjects...

5.) "I love the comments people put on your posts". It's when you find out that people all over the world really are just like you deep down inside...

Now for the tagging bit. I don't normally tag people when I put up a meme, rather I like to just let them steal the meme if they like it because I know some people don't particularly like being tagged, but "hey, it's part of the rules on this one", so here goes...






I know a few of these bloggers have been absent for one reason or another (as I have myself) and a couple are "off on adventures" but who knows I may get lucky and get a response...

I want to thank "The One and Only Pobble" for tagging me and giving me the "hey where have you been" virtual smack upside my head. I know I have been absent a lot lately and I just want to let you know I'm still alive. I hope this posts, as my last post never found its way to the net. It still sits "in draft" as blogger refused to put it up and after three days of trying I kind of gave up on it.

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

-James Barrie


BostonPobble said...

Oh was Very Very good for me. >:)

I could have written this post myself as these are some of the very reasons I post as well.

And short breaks from blogging are perfectly acceptable ~ so long as you promise to always come back. You're missed (and, I admit it, worried about a wee bit) when you're gone too long. Just don't tell anyone about that missing part. I've got a reputation to uphold afterall. ;)

kimber said...

Oh.... I'm blushing.... I feel like such a voyeur!

Great reasons for blogging, Dagoth, and I look forward to fulfilling your meme tag in the next day or so! I've missed visiting your domain!

Hope said...

OH wow....I've been tagged!!! I'm strangley excited as I like you, had never been tagged before! And very pleased (given my long absence from the blogging world)!

Belizegial said...

Hey there :)

I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy blogging as much as we all do.

Enjoyed reading through your last couple posts and looking forward to more of your writings.
