Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dagoth in Beta

Many of you have probably noticed that you can't post a comment on my site using your blogger user name. That's because I have transferred my site to the new Blogger Beta. As there are still many bugs with the new system it is probably best to wait until they work a few more of them out before switching over, unless you are a "glutton for punishment" like me. Right now I am seeing a whole lot of problems with it, without a whole lot of improvement. The main improvement seems to be, being able to make your blog private, though I have some questions on that as well. When Spider Walk changed her sight over and made it private, it refused to let me into the comments section unless I allowed blogger to place a tracking cookie in my computer. I have anti-spyware that blocks tracking cookies, and it's not something that I would want to change, to allow tracking cookies to be placed in my computer.

As far as not being able to comment goes I wrote an email to blogger about this bug and this is the response they gave me:

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in. Unfortunately, users logged in to Blogger in
accounts are currently unable to comment on unmigrated Blogger blogs.
However, note that all Blogger accounts will ultimately be switched to
Blogger in beta, so this should only pose a temporary problem. We
apologize for the inconvenience.

If you'd like to comment on an unmigrated Blogger blog but have already
switched to a Blogger in beta account, as a workaround, you can create
new, regular Blogger account. Then, you may use that account to comment
regular Blogger blogs.

Finally, please note that Blogger users that have not yet switched will
still be able to comment on Blogger in beta blogs. However, the links
their profiles are currently not working properly. Our apologies for
commenting messiness. We appreciate your patience during this

The Blogger Team
So with that being said I started a new account in Blogger so that I can comment on other people's sites. It is just a temporary site and I don't intend on doing any posting there. This still doesn't change the problem of people without a blogger beta being able to comment on a blogger beta site. You can still comment as anonymous, which is kind of lame, or you could get a temporary blogger beta account, essentially doing just the opposite of what I have done here. I was planning on just waiting until they fixed, but when they suggested in their reply that I get a second account, it made me wonder just how long it was going to be before they fixed this problem.

Having to use two accounts is kind of a pain, and hopefully this won't go on for too long, though I've been through more than a few beta tests in my job and sometimes they can drag out for a while. Of course most of the betas I have used have had a lot less bubs than this, and most of them were fairly minor. The bugs that blogger beta has hardly qualify as bugs at all, because It's not a bug when functionality is missing entirely...


Anonymous said...

I just typed out a long comment, and beta wouldn't let me post it.


Anonymous said...

I've only been using Beta for a short while (I'm not logged in right now).

I found that with an ordinary Blogger account, I could login and leave comments on Blogger Beta blogs, but not the reverse.

I'm wondering when they're going to bring everyone else on-board?

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Spidey - I've lost comments on every site. I even lost a long one I typed in on your myspace site. If it's real long I copy it to my clipboard before I hit the publish button now...

bunnyman - The reply I received from the beta team, that suggested I start a second account in blogger to post on blogger sites, didn't leave me with the impression that the changover would be anytime real soon. I was able to post on Blogger accounts with my Beta login but only anonymously. My "Blogger" friends could not comment on my site though, which was my reason for "mirroring" the page. This Beta "ain't done cookin' yet"...