Saturday, June 03, 2006

Terminator 2

This is a continuation from a previous post. This post is about my second ex-wife whom I will affectionately call T2 (Terminator 2). This one is a little harder to talk about since we have only been "broken up" for about two years now. My first marriage to T1 ended 14 years ago, and everything about that one seems to be in 'black and white", so many years later. The marriage to T2 is still in "shades of gray." Some people may be offended by some of the things I say in this post, if you are one of them, "Sorry, but I won't apologize for being me." This is my life, you can take it or leave it as you see fit. You have been warned.

This marriage ended amicable as well, though maybe not quite as nice as the first one did, but in some ways better. We used our business lawyer to handle the divorce, and the separation of belongings just seemed to work itself out. I still consider her my friend, though I haven't seen her in about a year. We were married for about 6 years, the first 5 of which I consider to be some of the best times of my life. T2 knows "if she ever has need of my sword" it will come to her defense, "no questions asked", and "woe be" to any that would stand against her, for they will stand against me as well!

I met her on a Friday night, at a club that all my friends and I used to hang out at. My friend "P" had met her the Wednesday before at a karaoke show they had just started at the club. The night I met T2 she came in with her girlfriend "M", who was "quite butch", and we all just assumed that they were lesbians, not that anyone really cared. T2 and I immediately hit it off, starting up a conversation about Karaoke (that at the time I had never done.) We got a 'running joke' going, about how we were going to start "the karaoke church" and that we were going to have "monitors" instead of hymnals. She would take her drink (her first one) and go around to all the tables in the place, introducing herself and "cheering" with the people that she didn't know. She had a personality that couldn't be held back with a bulldozer, though she claimed to be "quite shy." Yeah, about as shy as a Brahma Bull, I was attracted to her right from the start, no matter what "her persuasion" seemed to be at the time.

She started coming down to the club quite often with her friend "M", and we all became good friends. Then one day she came down with a boyfriend, and with "M" nowhere to be found, I guess we all decided that we had been wrong, and that "she wasn't." It didn't really matter, since she had grown to be a favorite of the group (and of mine). She broke up with him, after awhile, and I remember her saying she "needed to find a man." I was dating another girl at the time, but I remember thinking that I wouldn't have minded being "that man." Still later on, I ended up "braking up" with that girlfriend (or she broke up with me), and I remember thinking that I wouldn't mind being with T2, but she was nowhere to be found. Finally one day she came down by herself (apparantly her son had been ill) and I asked her for her phone number, she gave it to me, and the "wild ride" began.

We started dating, started "country couples dancing" together, started doing karaoke, it seemed we always had something "going on" to appease her "A type" personality, which nicely complimented my "laid back", "B type" personality. We eventually got married, which surprised no one, due to our tendency towards "PDA's". I learned about "a darker side" of her personality, that she told me about (it actually had "a name" that the people who worked under her, at her job, had given it) though I had never seen it, and always figured I could handle it anyways. We eventually started up our own Karaoke business, with her as the "KJ" and me as the roadie. She eventually expanded this business to include two more "KJ's/DJ's" both of which were lesbians (not together) and friends of ours. It seemed that most of her friends were "of that persuasion." We bought a bar, which we had decided to get so that we could provide our own entertainment, an idea that worked very well. I quit my day job to run the bar, and after two years she quit her day job and came to work at the bar as well. This is when things started to go bad.

We had talked about her friend "M" and I had been told that they had not been "together" and that their friendship had ended when "M" had professed her love for T2. One of our KJ's "A" and her girlfriend "C" had returned "their" equipment and had stopped working for us, I didn't really think much of it at the time, because T2 generally ran that part of our businesses, and I was busy managing the bar. During that last year I started to see the darker side of T2, in fact that started to be the only side of her that "I" was getting to see. You know when something is going very wrong in your marriage. I eventually started to question her about her relationship with her remaining KJ "J", who I was told, "wasn't after T2", but I had my suspicions. One day I had a long talk with "J", when my wife was out of town, and I decided that I was wrong about her. I learned to trust her, and I no longer believed that she was "after" my wife. I had come to believe that, the way I was being treated by my wife was a direct result of the pain she was in, as she was having some physical problems with her legs, due to standing all the time "DJing." Then one day T2 had decided to go back to her hometown, in another state, to do a karaoke show for her old friend who was having a party. T2 told me that she wanted her friend "J" to come with her, to help her with the show (she needed help setting up because of her physical problems). I conceded (though I wasn't real happy about it) because T2 convinced me that they wouldn't stay at a hotel (which they did) but would be staying at her friends' house. When they came back I no longer had a wife, she had left me for "J".

I went and talked to "A" and "C", figuring that since they were lesbians, and that "A" had been our other KJ, and they knew both T2 and "J" well, that maybe I could get some insight as to what had happened. I was surprised (maybe not a lot) when "A" told me that the reason they had stopped working for us was that she "saw how T2 and "J" were acting to each other when I wasn't around, and since they were friends of T2 and I for a long time, they didn't like it very much." They also had seen, first hand, how T2 had been treating me over the last year and they didn't like that much either. The biggest eye opener was when "C" said she "had been trying to think of the word for what T2 was, and she finally came up with it, that T2 was bi-polar." This was like a revelation; suddenly so much of our relationship became clear. This has never been confirmed by a doctor (that I know of), but I have no doubt that it is true.

For a while after the break up, T2, "J" and I had been friends, even going to some concerts together, but eventually "J" got worried that T2 might leave her and come back to me.
Since then I have gone back to my old job, sold T2 my half of our businesses, and moved back to the house that her and I had owned. We have all heard the saying "If you love someone let them go, if they come back to you they are yours, if not they never were." I propose, "If you love someone you will let them go even if you know they will never come back to you." I want her to be happy, even if it's not with me. I think that the two of them make a lovely couple, and will be together for a very long time. Mostly I just wanted to see her smile again...


Hope said...

I applaud you for your attitude and the way that you've handle the situation. Sadly, I don't think that most people would be as understanding as so concerned about their ex's welfare or happiness after this type of break. It is good to see that there are still people out there who can take the high road.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Hope

I don't see it as taking the high road. I see it as trying to be the man I want to be, but this wasn't about me, it was about letting her be who she wants to be, and supporting her. She wasn't trying to hurt me, she had to go through a lot of soul searching, and I know it was very difficult for her. She was my wife, I would find the thought of turning on her unthinkable. I was honored by the time she chose to share with me.

Tai said...

Dagoth...immortalization is just around the corner for you, I'm sure of it.

What a intelligent and honest way of viewing that part of your life.

Many congratulations on being the type of person so many aspire to (and if they don't, they should!)

Hope said...

Having seen so many people I know go through break ups and divorces, I don't think that most people are as supportive and understanding as you. People see and feel betrayal even when no intent exists.

Anonymous said...

D, a great post here. I too am one that has tried to maintain my place on the high road when it comes to my ex. However, I know from my own experience that in order to really let go, you have to forgive to forget. As you move on with your life, bear in mind that you don't have to keep on being friends with T2 who did betray you. Friends do not betray each other. Just my 2 cents input on this subject.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

I didn't mean for this post to sound as if I'm some sort of overly altruistic type of guy. In fact anon hits on a very good point, forgiveness allows you to move on, where bitterness, anger, resentfulness does nothing but poison your own spirit. So I really am, in essence, "this way" for my own wellbeing.

Hope said...

However you got "this way" its a good thing. For many, holding on to anger and resentment is a sort of justification. Like they are more shapped by the negative things that have happened than they are by allowing themselves to grow beyond that.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Hope

You have a wondrous gift of insight...

Because you just described T2...

She had a bitterness inside of her from her father, and her previous marriage. Some things we could never get around, and some things she could never let go of...

Tenacious T said...

Wow - that's a tough situation. You seem have a great perspective on it all. Sometimes life would be so much easier if we could just learn to let things go and not turn hurt into anger. It does noone any good in the end.

Dagoth said...

Thanks T

My sentiments exactly. You only harm yourself...

Spider Walk said...

I was married once before too. He now goes by the name "Donna" and works at Disney as a dancer.
Funny how we both sensed something was wrong but couldn't quite put our fingers on it.
I had no idea "Donna" was gay and a cross dresser until we were married for about 4 months and my panties and other assorted things started coming up missing. We were divorced by the end of the year.
I swear, he was the most masculine, strong, sturdy male I had ever met!
Who would of guessed?

Dagoth said...

Thanks Spidey

In the end all you can say is "couldn't you have figured that out before we got married"...LOL

Dagoth said...

Hi Spidey

My response to your comment has bothered me since I posted it. I guess it was just part of the hurt. I really am glad her and I were married, we had 5 (of 6) wonderful years together. I have great memories of that time that I wouldn't trade for anything. I hope the path she has chosen is right for her...