Thursday, June 29, 2006

A to Z Meme

I found this Meme out in the Blogosphere and I felt like it was a good time to do it.

Accent - None, I saw a map of accents for the U.S. one time and it showed that I live in a small area of the country where supposedly the people have no accent.

Booze - Not in about a year and a half.

Chore I hate - Running the Vaccuum.

Dogs/Cats - Dogs, though I don't have any right now, I've been thinking a lot lately about getting one.

Essential Electronics - Maybe my PC but I really don't consider it essential.

Favorite Cologne - Adidas Moves.

Gold/Silver - It has always been Silver.

Hometown - HarborCreek, Pennsylvania.

Insomnia - Only when I take too long of a nap in the afternoon.

Job Title - Mechanical Engineering Designer.

Kids - One wonderful sixteen year old son.

Living Arrangements - Single Homeowner (sounds like I'm filling out a credit application).

Most admired trait - Calm demeanor.

Number of sexual partners - a time.

Overnight hospital stays - Once when I was about eight my mom had to call an ambulance when I went into convulsions. The doctors never found out why.

Phobia - Nothing clinical but I don't respond well to heights.

Quote - "I believe everybody in the world should have guns. Citizens should have bazookas and rocket launchers too. I believe that all citizens should have their weapons of choice. However, I also believe that only I should have the ammunition. Because frankly, I wouldn't trust the rest of the goobers with anything more dangerous than string." - Scott Adams

Religion - Buddhist.

Siblings - Four really fugly brothers and one sister (I got all the good looks:)

Time I usually awake - 4 am.

Unusual Talent - I can breath through my ears.

Vegetable I refuse to eat - None, I love vegetables.

Worst habit - Smoking.

X-rays - For my lower back where I have inherited deformed vertabrae (I'm not like a hunchback or anything.)

Yummy foods I make - I make a kick ass lasagna.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Now I tag every single person on the planet and I'm going to hold my breath until everyone does this...whooooshh.


Hope said...

So how is the holding your breath going? I have to stay that I should get the ammunition and everyone else should get the string!! Enjoyed this very much and I might give it a shot.

Spider Walk said...

Hiya Dagoth,
Ya know...if you do get a dog, you are going to have to do A LOT of vacuuming. Unless, of course you get one of those fugly furless ones...then you will probably have to take up knitting so you can make them little warm coats and mitties.

Arrgghhh...I guess what I am trying to say is...
this was the perfect post for me to get to know ya a little better :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Hope - "Gimme back my bullets"...I can blog, I just can't speak while I'm holding my breath...:)

Spider Walk - Hi and Be Most Welcome...I was thinking about strapping a cannister vacuum on the dogs back and tying the sweeper wand to the dogs tail...No fugly furless dogs for me...

kimber said...

I love your quote and, HEY! I can breath through my eyesockets! Very cool to know I'm not alone in my freakishness! :)

Josh said...

Ok, you guys are freaking me out with the breathing. Just no gills please.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Kimber - Yea, through the eyes when necessary...

Liz - Gills hmmmm...can you get those implanted?...

Spider Walk said...

Breathing through your eyes and ears?
Ok, to be honest I am jealous.

I have always been proud of the fact that I could "Gleek"
I would SOOOO trade that in for obicular and oritory breathing anyday.

Dagoth said...

Hi Spider
