Monday, November 06, 2006

Games! Did someone say games?!?

In my previous post, Household Pictorial Challenge, I showed the chessboard that I acquired down in Mexico, as one of my favorite objects. After seeing it, Blogger AndyT, who found my site through Gnightgirl (the post was her challenge), challenged me to a game of online chess. Never being one to turn down a game, and since it has been sooooo very long since I've had the opportunity to play, I accepted his challenge. So to facilitate said game, I have started a new blog, Dagoth's Board Room, where I will be posting pictures of our game and play-by-play.

Mind you, neither of us claims to be Grand Masters or anything like that. It just seems like it might be a lot of fun. I've always loved the game, though many people find it boring. I remember many games in my life, many wins and many losses, all of which were a great deal of fun. I especially remember one weekend when my father, my brother and his wife, and myself were snowed in, inside my small apartment. They came to visit just before a raging blizzard set in, and were trapped there. We entertained ourselves for three days, by having non-stop chess tournaments from morning till night. It was one of the worst blizzards that I can remember, with nothing moving outside except for snowmobiles. How better to entertain ourselves than to get two chessboards going, with winners playing winners. I couldn't begin to tell you how many games we played that weekend, but by the time the snow let up we had played so many games there was no way to tell who the overall winner was, and for that matter, it didn't seem to make much difference to any of us, anyways.

I hope you all will stop in to the new site and check out how the game is going, and don't be shy to comment. Though AndyT and I both agree that no kibitzing is allowed. I don't know how long this game will last, though we have agreed to try to make at least one move per day. As I have never played an online game before this should be quite interesting. I will be posting one picture for every two moves in order to try and save bandwidth. So I would just like to say good luck to AndyT, though I expect that any chess player would say lucks got nothing to do with it...Let the games begin!


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

This is so cool! I'll be checking in, but I'm .. I...I've never...

I don't know how to play chess! There, I said it. Maybe I'll learn one step at a time, while I watch you.

Lynda said...

Ooooh! Sounds like fun!

Tai said...

That's SUCH a good idea! I enjoy chess very much, though I haven't played for years.

(I tried to post a comment on your last post but it vanished. I'm going to pout for a bit now.)

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Gnightgirl - It's ok if you've never done it, some people just take longer than others. There's no pressure here...

Lynda - Are you a playah?...

Tai - Pouting here is forbidden as I have no natural immunity to it...Would this be the post that you lost?

I love this idea.
Sadly, all my stuff is in storage!

Except for my sword, of course. ;)

You left it over on Dagoths Revenge...

kimber said...

Oh, I love chess, but I no longer have a chess set, so I haven't played in a shamefully long time!

AndyT13 said...

It's On Boyee! Good fun. I can't figure out if I'm surprised it took me so long to set my board up at home or that I set it up at all. I'm kind of silly like that. I realized pretty quick that I had no chance if I only used the pictures. Chess is such a 3d sort of game you need to be able to view the board easily from different angles. Good fun!