Monday, May 29, 2006

A Short Intermission Blog

Yesterday I put in new shower doors in my upstairs bathroom ("I know, real exciting post coming up.") Before that, I had shower curtains, and though I feel curtains look better than doors, I just prefer doors to curtains. Doors don't "suck in on you" when the water is hot, doors are easier to clean than curtains, I hate it when the "little eyelets" that the hooks go through on the curtain tear, and if the curtain lasts more than a year you are doing well, though I think they should be thrown out every year anyways. Which brings me to my questions. Do you prefer doors to curtains? Do you prefer Baths to showers? (I have a theory.)

I had never put in doors before, and after reading the instructions I thought I had made a mistake buying them. The instructions seemed difficult and I thought that it would take me all day to put them in, but once I got into it, I had them hung in about two hours. I hate the instructions that are included with "the things" you have to put together. As a designer in an engineering department my job is to create "instructions" for other people, and so when I read these instructions I am constantly correcting them. Yes I am the person who loves putting the toys together at Christmas.

I could have picked better weather to do this project. The hot weather that bloggers in Van Couver were complaining about a few days ago has finally worked its way across the continent. It was not a good day to be working in a small bathroom. The worst part of it is, I got all sweaty putting it in, and now I can't take a shower. I have to wait 24 hours for the caulking to dry, some of which looks like it's melting. Where I live the highest the temperature has ever reached is 100 degrees F., and that has only happened on something like three occasions, when it gets over 80 here it is really miserable because of our high humidity. What I wouldn't give for a good "lake breeze" right now (lake breeze: when the wind suddenly switches around to come from the north, over the cool waters of Lake Erie, cooling us down considerably, this happens mostly right at dusk. In the winter it causes much snow.)


Hope said...

There is nothing like the "destructions" that come with projects like this!! I am a fan of both showers and baths...depending on time allowed and mood!

The Snarkess said...

I never thought about doors vs curtains, but now that you mention it, I like doors better. Shower curtains make it kind of dark in the shower and the curtain gets all clingy and it reminds me of Psycho. Doors are definitely nicer.

As for showers vs baths, I'd love to hear the theory. I'm definitely a bath person.

Tai said...

Love hot water pouring over me.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Hope - No destruction this time, Just Construction...:(

Claire - The theory (that you blew away, I might add) was that people who liked showers would like doors (for the reasons you mentioned) and people that liked baths would like curtains (because curtains can be removed & are not needed for a bath.)

Tai - I agree with you on showers except as hot as it is today, I took a cool shower. I might add that the new doors neither leaked nor fell in on me...:)

The Snarkess said...

Aha, that's true, but some doors slide back in on themselves (my gender-determined spatial difficulties are catching me up one is going to know what I mean by that.) That way, I can have it half-open during a bath.

But you're right, a curtain is nicer for baths, and also lets you have that really neat across-the-bath rack-type thing that your book and candle and glass of wine goes on. I've always wanted one of those, now that I think of it.

Thanks Dagoth. :) I'm going to go to Ikea. And then have an amazine bath tonight!

Dagoth said...

Hi Claire

Yes I did understand your statement...

Might I suggest Jasmine & Vanilla candles to go along with that...