Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Few More Links

For those of us who know what we're thinking of but can't always pull it out of our poor, feeble, killed-oh-so-many-brain-cells-when-we-were-young, degenerated minds (wait, that's just me!) This site has a new kind of search engine that just might help on those late night, alcohol-enhanced blogger posts.

One Look Reverse Dictionary

Also speaking of alcohol...Having owned a bar before I found this site particularly funny, hauntingly familiar, if not "wrong on so many levels."

You Drunk as Hell

And last and probably least if the Daily News has gotten you down, and you have enough problems of your own without hearing about all the bad things going on in the world, this is definitely news of a different color...well, maybe not really news at all, but if they didn't mind posting it, you shouldn't mind reading it. If you do, complain to the editor (hey! I didn't write this stuff!)

The Daily Nooz

That's all for now...Peace...


Hope said...

Why is it that the things that are "wrong on so many levels" are the ones we find the funniest!

kimber said...

You Drunk = LOL!

Josh said...

Loved the drunk one. lol

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

May you never have friends that would do such things to you...though I know there are some pictures of me floating around out there with me passed out on a coach surrounded by a bunch of stuffed animals...:)
(I did say hauntingly familiar)