Sunday, June 25, 2006

Of Bugs And Babies

"Mothra has attacked my bathroom!" This giant brown moth has decided to attach himself to the outside of the screen in the window of my upstairs bathroom. He has been there for about three days now, and seems to be very content with the location he has chosen. Bugs for the most part don't bother me, though I could do without centipedes. I don't know why this big guy has decided to start peeping into my bathroom. I do close the blind when I use the bathroom, not so much out of modesty or a need for privacy, but mostly because I don't want to have to look at his fugly ass and I'm sure he doesn't want to look at mine. He is directly underneath the halogen light that illuminates my back yard, which must be the reason he chose this spot. I measured him and he is about 4 inches (10 cm) from wingtip to wingtip. I guess I'll let him stay as long as he doesn't try to chew through the screen and take over my bathroom, maybe he just really needs to go. I may need him in the future because you never know when Godzilla will attack again.

I mowed the lawn yesterday for the first time in two weeks because it hasn't rained much and fou
nd these little trees sprouting up all over the place in the back. They appear to be baby Black Walnut trees. Mama is a soaring 50 foot high Black Walnut that I have growing out in my back yard. Most of the shade in my yard is provided by two trees, a 70 foot high Oak tree in the front that keeps my house in the shade most of the day, and this one large Black Walnut in the back that shades the back yard, but isn't close enough to the house to provide any shade on it. There are a few other trees in the yard but "not near enough for my liking", that is why one of my goals this year is to get many more trees started in the yard. I planted two maples a couple of weeks ago but anyone who has ever gone to a nursery knows that they do charge a pretty penny for trees these days. So I was delighted to find about a dozen of these little guys sprouting up in my back yard and I was very careful, when mowing, not to run them over. I thought I was going to have to spend a lot of money to fill my yard with trees, but it appears the female trees of the neighborhood are pitching in and helping out. I have many baby Silver and Crimson Maples growing in the flowerbed that surrounds half my house. I am waiting for them to get large enough for transplanting before moving them out into the yard. These baby Black Walnut trees are growing right where I want them and won't require any transplanting, since it is my back yard that mostly needs more shade. I am happy to say that mama and babies are doing just fine.


Hope said...

Maybe your power animal is a moth which is why mothra has come to visit you! It could be worse! Good luck with the "babies".

Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

I always thought my power animal was a dragon...I would be the Godzilla to his Mothra...Hey! Maybe he wants to fight for the bathroom!

Hope said...

There you go...the gauntlet has been thrown down....are you ready for the challenge?

Dagoth said...

Hi Hope

Yeah he flew away with his tail between his. I guess he figured out who he was messin with.....(whew!)

The Snarkess said...

Or perhaps a reincarnated relative? :)

Hope said...

Hmmm...maybe he went for reinforcements?

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Claire - I hope my relatives arn't being reincarnated to the 4th level...

Hope - Then the reinforcments have arrived. Small bugs that sort of look like flying ants and one big black beetle have now invaded the bathroom...

Spider Girl said...

Heh, and I thought the moth on my porch was big--your big brown one trumps my l'il green moth by a bunch I think.

Usually moths don't hang out for very long in one spot....he must like it there.

I like the way you described the trees as momma and babies--I have pine cones dropping into my yard from the neighbour's tree and some of the sprouts are two feet tall. But a lot I just pinch out. Trees are lovely, and if they sprout by my tree hedge they are welcome to stay. But too many in my rosebeds and they need to leave! :)

Josh said...

I might have to thump Mothra to a new home if I were you. Little creepy to me.

I have a sliver (pretty sure) Maple in my front yard. I'm not a fan. It's roots are starting to rise as it gets larger. I had 2 red oaks I grew from seedlings, but they died this winter when the sprinklers stopped workinig and I didn't know. They had gotten 4 feet high too :(

kimber said...

I am so so so happy to hear that you're letting the baby trees grow.... two weeks ago, our current landlord chopped down EVERY TREE ON THE PROPERTY, and I cried to see the beautiful giant firs and wee holly tree rendered into firewood.

As soon as I have my own place (one week and counting) I'm planting a few trees of my own!

PS I love mothra!!!! :)

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Spider - I've been calling them flower beds as well but the truth is there are very few flowers, some roses and some daffodils only, what I should be calling my flower beds is my tree nersery because thats what mostly in them but I plan to move them when they get big enough.

Liz - moving your sidewalk a couple hundred dollars...removing your tree a couple hundred dollars...the shade a 50 foot maple gives...priceless...
You can move the sidewalk in a day, it takes 50 years to bring back a tree like that...Sad for your Oaks...

Kimber - thanks for "signing" my map...I'm always sad when I see perfectly good trees cut down for any reason because I can give more reasons for keeping them...I'm happy for your new place where you can have trees of your own....

Tai said...

Perhaps he's your bathroom protector? my world anything is possible!*

*(oh...and whatever Spider and Kimber said, too!)

Tenacious T said...

Holly Mother of Moths!

Congrats on your new additions. Maybe you'll have some tasty new Walnuts to enjoy in a few years. :)
I love crimson gorgeous in the fall.

Dagoth said...

Thanks Guys

Tai - I didn't know my bathroom was in danger...

T - Mama provides plenty of walnuts in the fall for me and my squirrels....

Spider Walk said...

Awww...I see ur toesis in one of the pictures!!
Yeah, that was totally random. But give me a break. It's super early and my mind is kind of numb, k?


Dagoth said...

Hi Spidey

LOL...Yea, it must have been early....cuz thats a thumb...