Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Simple Question?

What is the name of your Blog, and why did you choose it?


Jenson said...

Well if my blog was working right now, which it's not, and I'm not sure why... right now its called Blogaholic.

I blog a lot. About different things. About life. About some weird thing I found surfing etc. I'm addicted.

There you have it.

Tenacious T said...

In My Own Blog, because I live in my own little world. :)

Hope said...

Slightly Controlled Chaos is the name of my blog although not the address. And it pretty much sums it up--life is full of all of this chaos of which I have Slightly Controlled...maybe I should have said VERY Slightly Controlled Chaos.

kimber said...

My blog is called "Wolfgrrrl" because I have written a series of novels about a family of werewolves... the first book, The Tattooed Wolf, was released a few years ago, and the second book, The Wolf of Gilsbury Cross, is due to be released later this year.

Tai said...

I do believe 'Delusion of Tai' speaks for it's self!
(Except it was supposed to be 'Delusions of Tai'! Oops, typo!)

Dagoth said...

Thanks guys

I wasn't going to comment to this one, I was going to leave it for my gentle readers, but I changed my mind for one reason.

Jen - if you start a new blog, let me know what it is.

Ok - "Dagoth" was the God/Monster in the movie "Conan the Destroyer". When I first got hooked up on the net, back in the dark ages, my friend who helped hook me up (it was difficult back then) said I needed a "net name" and since I had just seen the movie, I picked that one, "kinda off the cuff." All my webpages ever since have been named "Dagoth's Domain."

Josh said...

Rant N Rail

Probably started because I orginally thought I would complain more about general things, not really personal stuff. But then I went off about me, and there you have it.

Spider Walk said...

Spider Walk is the name of my blog. It has a tri-fold meaning. My dad used to call me "Spider" as a kid. I was tall and lanky with long arms and legs. It would always make me smile to hear him call me by my pet name.

We would also watch every Exorcist re-run we could find on TV together. There is a cut scene from the movie called "The Spider Walk" when Linda Blair walks on her arms and legs with her head and torso pointing upwards down the's really!

And thirdly because I am a closet Goth now that I am a little too old be dressing publicly in that manner...and spider apparel and such are common in that culture.--as I am guessing you are aware?

So there ya have it...
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Now, time for me to dig deeper into your archieves :)

Dagoth said...

Hi Spider

It sounds like you had a great relationship with your father...

I think you should dress the way you want to dress, besides I'll bet you look great in black...

Enjoy rooting around in my brain...:)