Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ad Lib for Lack of a Better Reason...

I shamelessly ripped this off of Claire's Blog with no regrets whatsoever!

I like my coffee________________(with creamer only, Thank You very much!) While, sipping my coffee, I really like to______________(wait for my eyes to focus, my brain to turn on, and remember my name. I also like to listen to the birds singing in my back yard.). If I am really struggling, energy wise, later in the day, I will have ________________(a sugar fix...) or ____________(more java juice, after all Coffee = Life...) to pick me up.

On my way to work, I listen to _______________(The sound of my engine, If I play music, I'm constantly turning it down because I think I heard something in my engine, I'm paranoid that way.) I ___________ (hate, especially in the winter) my commute to work, except when__________________(All those other people stay off of "my roads!"). I'm so glad I don't_____________________ (have to commute like I did when I lived in Florida, 2 hours one way.)

Today I am feeling_________________(The sadness of summer slipping away and not being ready for winter) and i really wish that after work, I could _________________(get my van from the mechanics.) I also wish I had enough money to________________ (Pay the mechanics and get my pellets to heat my house this winter.)

Last night, I drank __________________(Pink Lemonade.)
and thought about________________________(getting some more RAM for my PC.) It made me feel kinda _________________(frustrated.)

As the weekend nears, I am looking forward to ___________________ (Nothing, since I'm still trapped at home without wheels.) I really need to _____________________(get ready for winter) and I hope i get to do that also.


kimber said...

I like this meme! I will be ripping it from you shortly! :)

There's nothing better than getting dirty-filthy at work, and really feeling like you've DONE SOMETHING. I used to work in a converted warehouse, and after inventory counts, we would be covered in grime.... loved it.

Spider Walk said...

You still don't have your van?
I am soooo sorry :(


I can feel summer slipping away too.
The first hint of fall hit my yard yesterday...falling leaves. Makes me appreciate the change of seasons, but also kind of makes me sad.

Josh said...

Hope you get your Van back soon. You do sound a little blue today. btw I tend to listen to the engine too. Not that I would know what to do if it sounded off.

Dagoth said...

Thank Guys

Kimber - rip with abandon...Whenever I work I like getting the job done, I've always hayed it when a job lingers on. The problem was some of the people seem to be afraid to get dirty...

Spidey - No Van yet, hoping it will be done on monday...I always get that depression that sets in around fall & lasts all winter, but I'm happy again come spring...

Liz - I like hearing my engine knowing everything is ok. If you hear it "sound off" you can at least pull over before you make matters worse, even if you don't know how to fix it...